Swtor legacy family tree benefits
Swtor legacy family tree benefits

swtor legacy family tree benefits

Even some characters who were part of a different class: Kaliyo, Torian Cadera, Vette etc.Traitor Among the Chiss) force you, on your first Story run, to fight with people who are key to the story’s development. This is because certain chapters and Flashpoints (e.g. Once you reach Knights of the Fallen Empire you may find you need to increase influence with a number of NPCs who you would normally disregard. This makes your job as the playable character easier If you’re a DPS with a healing companion, if they heal your faster/better they can deal damage you do not have to if you’re a Healer and your companion is DPS, at higher levels, they may be able to heal themselves a bit, freeing you up to deal some damage. a Tank companion can throw heals, a healer companion can deal more damage when not healing. At higher levels, companions can ‘multitask’. That means the higher their rating, the better job they’ll do as Tank, DPS or Heals.Ī couple of other players (including, thanks to also pointed out that companions get better at “ Combat Role Adoption“. The first effect of higher influence is on how well they perform in combat when fighting alongside you. But it is worth pointing out that if you don’t fight alongside, or craft with, a certain companion then you need not get overly concerned with how much clout you have with that companion. How strongly a companion approves of you has a number of effects for your own character as you play SWTOR. It may also contain some key points in your history of interactions with them. You can find the complete list of companions and contacts in the – wait for it – Companions and Contacts Panel (*sharp intake of breath*)! From this panel you can also summon a companion, which switches your current active one, with the new one, as well as read a short synopsis of that character. There are two places you can find the current rating of your friends and allies.

swtor legacy family tree benefits

Find Out How Much Companion Influence You Have How much sway you hold with your NPC friends and contacts, is measured from ‘level’ 0 to 50, with each level requiring more work than the previous one. When it used to known as Affection it was actually possible to have them dislike you – i.e. SWTOR Companion Influence (previously Affection) is a gauge as to how much characters in your ‘Companions and Contacts’ panel (default shortcut: N key) like you, or at least, approve of you and your actions. Where Conversations Do Not Impact Your Score.Understanding Companions’ Likes & Dislikes.

Swtor legacy family tree benefits